
Showing posts from January, 2023

71 yr old male with h/o pyuria since 15days

A 71yr old male came to opd with chief complaint of  White frothy urine since 15days. History of presenting illness- Patient was asymptomatic 15 days back ,then he developed pyuria since 15days which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive in nature and decreased output since 3days ,nocturia present 3/4 times at night. Burning micturation on 3/1/23. History of constipation since 6 months took medication . History of facial puffiness since 5 days and pedal edema since 15days 2yrs back had COVID symptoms and got hospitalized for 16days . 1month back had a fall while walking with Walker and had injuries on knees and ankle. Past history: No similar complaints in the past. K/c/o bronchial asthma since 50yrs on inhaler. No DM, HTN,Thyroid,epilepsy,CVD,cad Personal history: Wakes up at 5'0clock and reads  10'0 clock -breakfast 2'0 clock - lunch 4'0clock - tea 9'0clock- dinner Diet: vegetarian Sleep:adequate and drowsy Appetite-Decreased Urine output -decreased Bowe